
Some New York Highlights from 2018

It was a very busy year, and I certainly missed far more than I saw in New York this season. But here is a rundown of some of the standouts.

 Eric Aho at DC Moore

 Ilya Bolatowski at Washburn

 Frank Bowling at Alexander Gray

 Svenja Deininger at Marianne Boesky

 Douglas Florian at Bravin Lee

 Liza Lou at Lehmann Maupin

 Agnes Martin and Navajo Blankets at Pace

 Melissa Meyer at Lennon, Weinberg

 Joan Mitchell at Cheim and Read

 David Row at Loretta Howard

 John Walker at 499 Park Avenue

 Stephen Westfall at Lennon, Weinberg

 Stanley Whitney at Lisson

 Thornton Willis at Elizabeth Harris

Terry Winters at the Drawing Center